
What is autism?

Autism is a developmental disorder affecting 1 in every 150 people. It affects children and adults. Children and adults with autism can show a mixture of behaviors. Two people with the same diagnosis can act very differently from one another.

What are the symptoms of autism?

  • Delayed speech or not able to speak
  • Avoiding contact with others, such as not touching or hugging you, or not looking at you when you are talking to him or her
  • Playing with things in an odd way - like constantly stacking toys or lining them up in a very certain way
  • Strong reactions or dislikes to certain colors, textures, or types of food

These behaviors are not always seen by a doctor during a 15-30 minute appointment. Make sure you tell your doctor any symptoms you may be seeing. Early diagnosis is the best treatment for this disorder.

How do I get help?

If your child or family member has unusual behaviors that worry you, here are ways you can get help: